Under non-disclosure agreement
2024-01-17 — 2024-01-22

Quality plan of a Spanish steelwork company, in the context of its partnership with a French public works company.
Language pair: Spanish to French.
Size: ca. 7 500 words.
Exciting aspects: it involved both a legal/regulatory aspect and a technical one.
Regarding the norms, I had to search for the exact norms involved and to either find their official French name or to translate the Spanish one.
Concerning the technical aspect, I had to use a very specific language, which involved a lot of research. This required me to build a glossary. I also regularly used the visuals of the documents as a reference material.

Under non-disclosure agreement
2023-09-12 — 2023-12-01

Communication campaign for a cycle of conferences about agriculture.
Language pair: English to French.
Size: ca. 4 000 words.
Exciting aspects: I had to make the communication both attractive and professional. Making the calls-to-action acceptable for a French audience was an interesting challenge, as the original CTAs were both too authoritarian and too long. Also, I didn't write the same way in social media posts and in e-mailing campaigns.
On the more technical aspect, I had to check some of the specialised terminology. It also proved useful to research the various organisations mentioned, as some have a different name in French.
Finally, the almost 3-month gap between both batches meant that I had to refer to my previous work to ensure consistency.

Under non-disclosure agreement
2023-07-21 — 2023-08-01

Manual for the maintenance and repair of a series of dishwashers.
Language pair: English to French.
Size: ca. 13 500 words.
Exciting aspect: while the technical subdomain might sound trivial, it did require to delve into the specific terminology, physical principles and unit, etc.
One challenge was that the document had been written by non-natives. The English was sometimes broken and it was necessary to rebuild the sentences, so to speak, before translating them. It took some time to find the translation of misspelt words.
Finally, I navigated between specialised translation tools and the document itself–the visuals and charts provided valuable information.

Under non-disclosure agreement
2023-07-17 — 2023-07-19

Contract template for a Spanish company looking to outsource its logistics towards France.
Language pair: Spanish to French.
Size: ca. 6 000 words.
Exciting aspects: I had to, at the same time, be precise about the legal content and to research this technical field. (I had already done a number of translations about transports, but they were about transporting people, not products).
Also, the template had to be adaptive. While both Spanish and French are Latin language, some Spanish words are gendered when the French equivalent aren't… or vice-versa!