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#TeamTranslator is first and foremost a positive and inclusive community for freelancers in the translation industry to support one another.

Started by Anikó Pető-Mordovski and Kelsey Frick, #TeamTranslator was born out of discussions about often unclear guidance on freelancing and achieving financial stability as a translator.

Drawing on our own previous experiences building networks and communities within the sector, we created an easily-accessible, permanent community on Slack.

Our aim was to provide a platform where translators at any stage of their career can have meaningful conversations about their businesses in a positive and safe space.

It’s now grown into a 1500+ member community, and we’re excited to partner with Workfree to give our members more opportunities to grow their businesses.

Translators: if you’d like to join our community, please first visit to join our Slack group. It’s free, quick, and gives you complete access to the group and its resources. Please ensure that you meet the requirements and follow the Community Guidelines.

Companies: If you’re looking for translators, foreign-language consultants, and more, please get in touch!