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Book illustration

Eny Heli (author)
2024-08-15 — Present

For her soon-to-come novel, Eny Heli asked me to create the worldmap of her story.

Branding & mockup web

2023-10-02 — Present

The founder of this project came to me wanting to give her concept a professional image. As she would like to optimize the creation process, she also needs to visualize her website with a mockup before to create the brand's website.
As a working-travelling-mom, we have to adapt the pace to her own schedule as she is not fully available.

Branding & social media contents

2023-09-04 — 2025-06-13

The founder of the company wanted to have a professional image and needed help to set up a social media strategy.
With my webdesigner partner, we also declined its company identity into a website.