Hi! I'm Beth, a secondary school Modern Foreign Languages teacher, Lead Practitioner (SSAT) and Specialised Leader of Education (Department for Education)-turned freelance translator.
I craft literary & creative texts into UK English from:
Brazilian & Lusophone African Portuguese 🇧🇷 🇲🇿
Spanish 🇪🇸 🇨🇴
Italian 🇮🇹 🇨🇭
I translate fiction & poetry, as well as creative non-fiction, like content for art galleries, film, music and theatre. I also provide reader's reports and samples for English language publishers and agents.
I still work in education, examining for AQA & Pearson Edexcel, offering consultancy for schools (my specialisms are MFL, CPD and HPA provision), MFL-based talks, assemblies and workshops, and teaching 1:1 lessons, mostly for GCSE and A-Level pupils.
Want to talk about a potential project?
Drop me a 📨 in my DMs or email me at beth@bethhicklingmoore.com. It would be great to hear from you!
You can also check out my website @ www.bethhicklingmoore.com
Want to follow what I'm reading and other musings? You can find these over on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/BethAngharad Looking forward to connecting!